Friday, January 15, 2010

Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke

I was flipping channels one day and I stopped on a movie that looked interesting to me. I really enjoyed the movie and later found out it was "Love Comes Softly" based on the novel by Janette Oke. After reading the book I was happy to see that the movie captured most of the book, though there were some changes. I learned that Janette Oke had written a whole series. I bought the whole series! I also bought all of the movies (over time since they had not all been filmed at that time. . . I just got the last movie for Christmas!). I enjoy the movies as much as I enjoy the books but be warned. There are more and more creative licenses as the movies progress through the series. The movies become less and less like the books. The books are written in a mid-western pioneer dialect. If you find it difficult to follow, this might not be the right series for you. Here is an example, "Pa's got to go now, and yer gonna stay with yer mama."

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