Monday, December 2, 2013

The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans

This is a great book that will help you bring you out of the busy hectic life and bring you back into the real meaning of Christmas.  I really enjoyed reading this book.  I related to being so busy you miss out in the important things in life.  I was humbled to be reminded to take time for what really is important in your life.  I enjoy rereading this book.  It is a great book to read this holiday season, or any time for that matter.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

I read Ender's Game many years before the 2013 movie was announced.  After reading the book my husband and I discovered Orson Scott Card wanted his novel to come to the big screen but could never agree on a screenplay.  We anxiously awaited for the day it would finally happen.

Having said that, the book is definitely better, but the movie did a great job.  It is just too difficult to fit everything in a book into a movie.  The book ended in such a shocking way it was hard to believe, yet you knew it just had to be.  The movie did a fairly good job.  You whether you watch the movie first or read the book first, either one will spoil the ending for the other.  You can only get that kind of a surprise once.

The most amazing thing about this book is the book was written in 1985 and yet most of the technology mentioned in the book is available today in 2013.  Amazing. Of course we call everything by a different name.

The one part that bothered me a bit in this book was some of the language. I'd prefer some of those choice "cuss" words were omitted from the books I read, however it was used sparingly and the didn't fill up the book with the foul words.