Saturday, June 30, 2012

Heaven is For Real. . . by Todd Burpo

This book recounts the story Todd's son had when he almost died when he was 4 years old.  I found this a very easy book to read but it was also thought provoking.  Most of the things his son described sound true enough.  Some, I'm not so sure.  In any case it is interesting to see this 4 year old's perspective of the afterlife.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Eve and the Choice Made In Eden by Beverly Campbell

I really enjoyed this book.  It is a great celebration of womanhood.  It explains a little why women sometimes tend to be considered second class citizens but beautifully explains why they should be revered.

This is a nonfiction religious book but I found it very easy to read.  Every woman should read this marvelous book.  Every child of Eve should honor Eve by reading this book.