Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Corner of The Universe by Ann M. Martin

When I checked this book out at the library I didn't make the connection that this book was written by the same author of the Baby-sitter's Club series until I started reading it at home.  I enjoyed the Baby Sitter Club series as a child and Ann M. Martin did a very well job on this book as well.  It tells a story about a girl and the summer she met one of her uncles for the very first time.  This is a very touching story and I definitely recommend reading it.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

This is a really good book. It was easy to read. It tells the story through the perspective of different characters.  Each chapter focuses on a different character and in turn giving you new insight to the overall story.  This is a very well written book.  Skeeter decides to write a book with the perspective of "the help" who are the African American women who work for the upper & middle class white women in the south.  There are funny and touching stories and prejudice of all kinds, not just against the races but also against the classes.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Princess Tales by Gail Carson Levine

These delightful books tell the traditional fairy tales with a whole new twist.  There are 6 books in this series and I enjoyed reading every one of them.  They are very short and entertaining.  They take place in the same kingdom and there is even a little map in the books so you can see where each story takes place.  Gail Carson Levine has become one of my favorite authors.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saving CeeCee Honeycut by Beth Hoffman

This was another enjoyable book for me to read.  Poor CeeCee had to grow up with her somewhat mentally unstable mother.  Her father couldn't handle the responsibility and as a result was gone a lot.  When her mother dies, CeeCee lives with her mother's aunt.  This book is filled with extravagant women, each with a valuable lesson to teach CeeCee.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine

When I first saw this movie in the theater I did not know it was a book.  I enjoyed the movie and wanted to read the book.  Of course the book was much better than the movie.  I really enjoyed this unique version of the traditional Cinderella story.  Gail Carson Levine does such a great job bringing this enchanted story to life.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet by Jamie Ford

I think one of the saddest parts of our American History was during WWII when the Japanese Americans were shipped off to internment camps.  This is a fictional account about a relationship between a Chinese boy and a Japanese girl in Settle during WWII.  There are other themes in this book like the relationship between a father and his son.  I found this book enjoyable to read and I enjoyed the historical facts I learned while reading this book.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman

This is a story about a prince and his whipping boy.  The whipping boy takes advantage of living in the castle with the prince and learns as much as he can, receiving a "free" education.  The prince takes advantage of his position to get out of anything he doesn't want to do, like learning.  One day the prince runs away and takes the whipping boy with him.  If it weren't for the whipping boy, the prince would have died on this journey.  I thought it was an enjoyable book to read.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pope Joan by Donna W. Cross

This was a very interesting historical fiction novel.  There were some very disturbing scenes that are not for the faint of heart.  It takes place during a time when it was okay to beat your wife and children.  What you did in your home was no one's business but your own.  It was also the time of misconceptions like how to tell someone was a witch by throwing them into a river and such.  I liked the historical knowledge I gained reading this book but I got very emotional and upset about how people were treated back then.  The concept of a female pope is also intriguing.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sideways Stories From Wayside School by Louis Sachar

I love this series, including the arithmetic books.  When I read them to my students, I always have a discussion about how it may be okay for students at that school to talk that way or to do those things because they are not at our school.  I want to make sure they know it is a fictional story because I don't want them to pick up some of the bad habits that the students display in this book.  The book is so obviously fiction, it is easy to help them see the distinction.  It is such a fun series to read.  The first one is my absolute favorite.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Tuesday by David Weisner

This is a wonderfully illustrated picture book.  David Weisner tells a wonderful story through descriptive illustrations.  You can sit down with your child and make up your own story but talking about the illustrations.  I just love this book.  David Weisner is one of my favorite children's authors.  I fall in love with his books every time I read another one written and illustrated by him.  This story tells about what happens to some frogs one Tuesday evening around 7pm. . . . a very entertaining story.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior by Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman

Oh my goodness!  I found this book so fun to read.  It is amazing to hear about an event and the decisions people make in those conditions.  It is easy to say you wouldn't behave that way but that irresistible urge to behave irrationally is one that we have all felt at one time or another and you then can sympathize with those individuals.  This book can be read for enjoyment or as a self help book to help you discover why you behave irrationally and start to think more logically.  I liked this book.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Brother Sam is Dead by James Lincoln Collier & Christopher Collier

I remember reading this book in middle school.  I remember really enjoying reading it.  It is a sad story because obviously Tim's, the main character, brother, Sam, dies.  However, it takes place during my favorite historical era, the Revolutionary War era.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Still Alice by Lisa Genova

Anyone who knows someone with Alzheimer's Disease or believes they may develop Alzheimer's Disease one day should read this book.  This is a fictional first hand account of a woman who develops Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease at age 50.  It was very insightful.  It was an easy book to read but at the same time it was kinds of depressing especially if you believe one day you will develop the disease.  I really enjoyed this book and recommend you read it to help you gain new insight regarding those people diagnosed with the disease.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Heaven is For Real. . . by Todd Burpo

This book recounts the story Todd's son had when he almost died when he was 4 years old.  I found this a very easy book to read but it was also thought provoking.  Most of the things his son described sound true enough.  Some, I'm not so sure.  In any case it is interesting to see this 4 year old's perspective of the afterlife.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Eve and the Choice Made In Eden by Beverly Campbell

I really enjoyed this book.  It is a great celebration of womanhood.  It explains a little why women sometimes tend to be considered second class citizens but beautifully explains why they should be revered.

This is a nonfiction religious book but I found it very easy to read.  Every woman should read this marvelous book.  Every child of Eve should honor Eve by reading this book.